- It was a Thursday. The Naval Academy Yard was inundated; complete power outage, deep standing water in academic buildings, destroyed labs, damaged facilities, equipment, etc.
- All Jewish Prayer books were ruined, and in accordance with Jewish law and tradition, they were later buried in the Naval Academy Cemetery. Ground-breaking for the new Commodore Uriah P. Levy Center and Jewish Chapel was postponed.
- No classes Friday. Herculean disaster response “Teamwork, Tone, “Tenacity™” leadership on display from Staff, Faculty and Midshipmen throughout the weekend. Classes, sometimes in make-shift locations, resumed Monday!
One of USNA’s finest hours! - Note the design in the upper left of Class of 2007’s Crest (they were Plebes then): Hurricane Isabel … it made them, it made us, stronger!
September 22, 2023
Hurricane Isabel devastated Annapolis 20 years ago today (19 September 2023)